You're invited to check out Gregory Hedrich's exciting new exhibition opening in Zurich! Join us at this fantastic art space, bring your friends, and immerse yourself in the world of captivating artworks. Don't miss out on the fun – mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience!
Vernissage: Samstag 18.06.22
Start: 18.00 / Live Music & DJ‘s: 20:00
Finnisage: Mittwoch 06.07.22
Start: 18:00 / Live Music & DJ‘s: 20:00
Discover the artistry of Gregory Hedrich at an exclusive open house weekend in his Zurich studio! Join us for a curated display featuring handmade sculptures from 2019 to 2021. Get an insider's look into the artist's latest creations. Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect with art online!
Vernissage: Sunday 22.08.22
Start: 14.00
Experience the brilliance of Gregory Hedrich at the one-day showcase during the Verteiler Berlin event. Hedrich's creations transport you to imaginative, abstract worlds through illustrations, and sculptures, intricately reflecting life's diversity and uniqueness. Join us for an exclusive visual journey at this event, topped off with a two-floor technoparty.
On Saturday 23 November 2019, the last exhibition in the Kunstraum Waldhaus will take place. We let it bang once again and invite all previous artists to show two works. One work will be listed on the price list, the second work can be auctioned at the end. We look forward to an exciting, bombastic conclusion.
Artists: Hedrich & Tognazzo, Micha Aregger, Tasnim Baghdadi, Kaspar Bucher, Bust, Chris Garside, Yvonne Good, Matthias Gubler, Martin Gut, Enrique Hernandez, Roy Andres Hofer, Parvez Imam, iokke, Sibel Kocakaya, Lausen, machina imaginis, Carol May, Meyk, Matthias Moos, DĂ©rick Moulin, Janet Mueller, Amina Nabi, Aramis Navarro, Oibel, Niki Passath, CĂ©dric Payri, Teresa Sakura, Olivia Talina Fosca Schneider, Sybz, John Trashkowsky, Samuel Widmer & David Zalben.
Kunstraum Waldhaus celebrates the 10th exhibition with the title 10. The artists dealt with their works of the 10. This takes place not simply with the dimensions or the titles, the edition - Kunstraum Waldhaus illuminates all possible facets of the 10 and celebrates with each other the 10th exhibition.
Artists: Gregory Hedrich, Luana Tognazzo, Roy Andres Hofer, Lausen, Janet Mueller, Aramis Navarro, Teresa Sakura